State Permitting Dashboard
A new service for business in Arizona
Arizona’s Permitting Dashboard provides a single location for owners of large, complex infrastructure projects to submit their projects for permitting considerations, collaborate with the state in identifying required permits and track the progress of each permit required for their projects. The Permitting Dashboard provides transparency into the permitting process to improve coordination between project owners, state agencies and stakeholders, streamlining the process so that projects can complete their permitting and launch.

How to Submit a Project
Doing business in Arizona starts here.
Review requirements.
Determine if your project is a good fit.
For consideration on the dashboard, an eligible project should have an overall construction cost exceeding $25 million, involve significant and complex infrastructure development in Arizona, and is subject to multiple state permitting regulations or other state-level authorizations.
Fill out the project submittal form.
Submit details about what the project entails.
Let us know who is sponsoring the project, what you’re planning to accomplish and the location information for your project.
Hear from us.
GTO will follow up.
You’ll hear back from a representative from the Arizona Government Transformation Office to review determination and next steps.